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Showing posts from January 5, 2024


Chest pain has many causes, like issues in your heart, lungs or digestive system. Some causes are life-threatening while others aren’t. A healthcare provider can find the cause of your chest pain and put your mind at ease. Chest pain treatments may include medicines or operations. symptoms related to your heart feel like: Pressure. Squeezing. Crushing. Tearing. Fullness. You also may feel: Tired. Short of breath. Discomfort in your belly, shoulders, arms, jaw, neck and back. Sick to your stomach. Sweaty. Light-headed. What cause Heart pain   heart attack stable angina unstable angina heartburn acid reflux or GERD muscle strain injury to muscles Diet that reduce chest pain faster  1. crunchy nuts get a special call-out: A nutty superfood, walnuts are well known for their heart-protective powers. 2. Cold pack A common cause of heart or chest pain is a muscle strain. In these cases, a person can have pain in the chest due to strain from exercise, other activities, or blunt trauma. In any


How to Increase Seminal Fluid  Humans are visual creatures. And after some three decades of internet porn setting trends, it’s perfectly normal for you to want to increase your seminal fluid levels. Increasing them for the movies is the props and special effects department’s responsibility, but in your private life, the options are limited. A healthcare professional can talk with you about ways to increase volume, but because there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment to produce an increase in semen volume, you’ll largely be left to your own devices (or exercises). Some supplements and antioxidants like vitamin C get anecdotal press for this purpose, but we weren’t able to find any research to support this. There are really only a couple of things that you can do that may improve your ejaculate volume. Let’s look at them in detail. Try Pelvic Floor Exercises Your pelvic muscles play a major role in the velocity of your semen. If these muscles are weak, your ejaculation may not be projectil