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Showing posts from March 15, 2024


Radix Ginseng is from the root of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey., family Araliceae. Wild ginseng is referred to as “Mountainous Ginseng”, while the cultivated variety is called “Garden Ginseng”. Indications: In clinical practice Ren Shen is used in the following ways: For collapse syndrome due to Qi-deficiency manifesting as shortness of breath, fatigue, feeble and weak pulse, and extreme weakness after disease, prolonged illness, heavy blood loss or severe vomiting. Deficiency of Spleen manifesting as fatigue, poor appetite, fullness in the upper abdomen or diarrhoea and Qi deficiency with generalised weakness. Lung-Qi deficiency with shortness of breath, weakness, weak pulse and spontaneous sweating. Diabetes with thirst due to consumption of body fluids, and febrile disease with consumption of qi and body fluids marked with excessive sweating, shortness of breath and weak or thin pulse. Deficiency of Qi and Blood failing to nourish the Heart manifesting as palpitation, amnesia, insomnia an

The Wild Blade of Strangers (2024) Eng Subbed - video


Bitter Orange: Compounds, Benefits, and Downsides

Every type of orange has more than 100% of your recommended daily amount of vitamin C. That's more than any other citrus fruit. All you have to do to get this key vitamin is peel and eat. Health Benefits of Oranges The vitamin C in oranges helps your body in lots of ways: Protects your cells from damage Helps your body make collagen, a protein that heals wounds and gives you smoother skin Makes it easier to absorb iron to fight anemia Boosts your immune system, your body's defense against germs Slows the advance of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss Helps fight cancer-causing free radicals When you're feeling anxious, vitamin C can also lower your levels of the stress hormone cortisol and your blood pressure.