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Knight Flower (2024) Season 1 (Episode 9- 11 Added) Korean Drama

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Pain in your teeth, from decay or disease, or pain in your jaw, from tightness or TMJ, can show up as a headache in the top of your head, he explains. It's called "referred pain" and is a very common symptom of dental issues. You should already be seeing your dentist on the regular but if you have a headache that won't quit, it's worth popping in for another check-up. Lack of sleep ruins everything. It can expand your waistline, make you crave junk food, hurt your memory, and make you cranky (not to mention, you know, exhausted). But it turns out that chronic insomnia can also cause chronic headaches. "Unrested muscles can cause tension headaches and insomnia releases stress hormones, both of which trigger headaches," Mikhael says. "A lot of women think headaches are something they must simply endure or treat by taking over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or Tylenol, but not only is that not the best treatment it can even be dangerous as usin

The Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon seeds, which can be eaten raw or dried, are rich in magnesium — which Derocha explains plays a key role in energy production, nerve function, DNA and protein synthesis, as well as blood pressure regulation. They also contain folate, which can help your risk for cancer and depression. Healthier Heart Watermelon is rich in an amino acid called citrulline that may help move blood through your body and can lower your blood pressure. Your heart also enjoys the perks of all the lycopene watermelon contains. Studies show that it may lower your risk of heart attacks. Of course, your whole lifestyle affects your heart health. So make sure you also work out, don’t smoke, limit saturated fat, and keep up with your doctor’s advice. Protects Your Joints Watermelon has a natural pigment called beta-cryptoxanthin that may protect your joints from inflammation. Some studies show that over time, it could make you less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis. Easy on Your Eyes Just one medium slic


protein is an essential nutrient, and eating protein at breakfast is a great way to support your health. Not only is protein important for muscle building, recovery, and the immune system, but protein has been shown to support weight loss, curb cravings, and balance blood sugar by triggering the release of satiety hormones that keep us full for longer periods of time. Benefits of a higher protein diet While most Americans consume more than enough protein, some people may benefit from a higher intake of protein. To maintain or gain muscle mass If you are over age 50, you should increase protein intake to one gram per kilogram of your body weight just to maintain muscle mass, which declines with age. If you're trying to gain muscle mass, a higher-protein diet can help support muscle repair and growth. When you exercise, muscle cells break down. Protein from food helps to repair the damage, ultimately strengthening muscles. To lose weight The value of high-protein diets for weight los


What is premature ejaculation? A study involving 500 couples found the average time for ejaculation was about 5-and-a-half minutes after starting sex. This time could be longer for men who have sex with men. You may be able to help stop a quick release due to premature ejaculation naturally. This can include supplements, practices, and products applied to the skin like ointments. Supplements for premature ejaculation. Zinc supplements Zinc not only supports healthy immunity and cell growth, but the essential mineral may also help produce testosterone, which in some cases may help with premature ejaculation. Zinc is one of the more natural treatments for men living with lowered testosterone. The recommended dosage is of 220 mg of zinc sulfate, twice a day, over 1 to 4 months. It’s important to note that more is not always better, especially with supplements. Taking too much zinc may cause: nausea vomiting diarrhea kidney and stomach damage a metallic taste in your mouth Zinc supplements