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Think You Have a Vaginal Infection? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Toilet seats are haven for germs. The common germs found on toilet seats are bacteria, influenza, streptococcus, E. coli, hepatitis, staphylococcus, salmonella, shigella and norovirus. Vaginitis are mostly due to one of or a combination of: yeast infection; bacterial vaginosisortrichomoniasis. A heavy presence of Candida albicans, a fungus, in the vagina beyond the number needed to maintain a normal flora in the vagina will lead to vaginitis. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the harmful bacteria in the vagina outnumber the protective ones. Trichomoniasis is usually through sexual intercourse. Usually, men with trichomoniasis don’t show any symptoms of infection and so they are indisputably a source of infection for their partners. Other causes of “toilet infections” include: sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Also, viruses such as herpes and human papilloma virus, a decrease in hormonal levels, especially during menopause or after childbirth and allergic reac


High school librarians can play a vital role in increasing health literacy among students by ensuring their collections include reputable, trustworthy health information resources that support student research and classroom instruction. Since print materials on health and wellness topics quickly become out of date, school librarians should look for a digital resource that is routinely updated to ensure the most current information is available. In addition, the ideal resource will offer several content types to support learning differences and cover a variety of topics relevant to teens. To help school librarians identify the best digital solution for health literacy education, we’ve curated a list of the top 10 health topics typically covered in high school health classes. Educators should remember to approach these topics with sensitivity and create a safe and inclusive environment for discussions. Mental Health: Educate students about common mental health issues such as stress, anxi


Drugs can affect sex in many ways, by both increasing or decreasing libido and sexual response and making sex more or less intense. They can also increase sexual risk-taking and change the way the body responds to sex. Sometimes, the effects of drugs on sex change with time. Sex and sexuality are complex combinations of behavior and emotions — they both change physical states and rely on certain physical states. When you have problems with sex, doctors call it “sexual dysfunction.” It happens in both men and women. Sexual problems become more common in men and women as they age. Other factors can cause it in younger people. Stress, illness, medicines, or emotional problems can contribute to sexual dysfunction. Talk to your doctor if it lasts longer than a few months. Tell your doctor if it interferes with your relationship with your partner. Anything you tell your doctor is private. Your doctor can diagnose the problem. He or she can treat it. Women have five types of sexual problems:


There has been debate recently about how much vitamin D people need to stay healthy—and how to tell whether we get enough of it—and, in truth, it’s complicated. But one thing experts agree on is that vitamin D is vital to our health. Without exposure to natural sunlight or eating foods rich in vitamin D, we may not maintain adequate amounts of the vitamin. That’s a problem because vitamin D deficiency can be harmful to bones and muscles.   Vitamin D deficiency affects people across the lifespan. Breastfed babies don’t get enough vitamin D from breast milk, so they need to take supplements. As people age, it’s harder for their skin to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D, which may lead to deficiency.   The actual prevalence of vitamin D deficiency depends on what is defined as a level of vitamin D in the blood that is considered sufficient to maintain musculoskeletal health.  What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency? Muscle pain. Bone pain. Increased sensitivity to pain. A tingly

The vulva, vagina, uterus (womb) and ovaries.

What do your ovaries do? Your ovaries play a critical role in both menstruation and conception. They produce eggs for fertilization and they make the hormones estrogen and progesterone. An ovary releases an egg around the middle of your menstrual cycle (around day 14 of a 28-day cycle) in a process called ovulation. Each of your ovaries has thousands of ovarian follicles. Ovarian follicles are small sacs in the ovaries that hold immature eggs. Each month, between days six and 14 of your menstrual cycle, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) causes follicles in one of your ovaries to mature. At about day 14 in the menstrual cycle, a sudden surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the ovary to release an egg (ovulation). The egg begins its travel through a narrow, hollow structure called the fallopian tube to the uterus. As the egg travels through the fallopian tube, the level of progesterone rises, which helps prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. If you don't become pregnant that


A study published in the journal CPC Emergency Medicine found that rough intercourse can lead to vaginal tears, which can increase the risk of unwanted infections. In case you suspect rough intercourse is triggering any vaginal problems, either use a lubricant during sex or spend more time in foreplay to avoid it. Why Am I Bleeding After Sex? You’ve just finished having sex with your partner, when you look down and see blood on the sheets. You don’t have your period and aren’t supposed to get it anytime soon, so what gives? While vaginal bleeding after sex can be scary, it’s also fairly common. It affects up to 9% of menstruating women. There’s probably no cause for concern. But it can also result from an infection. In rare cases, it's a sign of cervical cancer. Is Bleeding After Sex Serious? If you have some minor bleeding every once in a while, chances are everything is fine. But the only way to know for sure is to see your doctor for a physical exam. If the bleeding happens righ

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