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Genotype Compatibility Genotype compatibility is a topic that should be discussed as a matter of necessity, between partners who intend to get married and/or bear children. This helps prevent future problems for partners and their child(ren). The WHO 2014 statistics, says that; “at least 100,000 babies die from the sickle cell disorder in Nigeria every year.” What is genotype? Genotype is simply the genetic makeup of an individual organism which determines a specific characteristic. Blood genotype indicates the type of protein (Haemoglobin) found in your red blood cells. There are six blood genotypes which are AA, AS, AC, SS, SC and CC (very rare). Who is genetically compatible? Two people are genetically compatible when there is no possibility of birthing a sickle cell diseased child. To know if genotypes are compatible, a physical pairing with the letters can be done. For example,  AA x AS can produce either AA or AS. SS x AA will produce AS throughout. These examples above are most


What Causes Tooth Decay?  There are plenty of bacteria in the mouth, some are helpful to us, and others cause harm. These harmful bacteria are responsible for the decay of teeth. The bacteria together form a film (plaque) and participate in making acid from the food that you eat, mainly from sugars and starch. This acid formed damages the teeth, which we see as decay. As part of a natural process, our teeth keep losing and regaining minerals. If we do not care for our teeth properly, it results in the loss of more minerals than we can regain, thus leading to tooth decay Symptoms of Tooth Decay:  There are a few signs that you should look out for if you think that you have tooth decay. The symptoms of tooth decay are:  Stains on the surface of the teeth. They may be white or brown coloured.  You might see a cavity in your tooth.  You might feel sensitivity when you eat something sweet, cold or hot.  Pain in the tooth (known as toothache)  Sometimes, you may have a fever along with swell


The liver is an essential organ, performing hundreds of functions necessary to sustain life. It's also a gland because it makes proteins and hormones that other parts of the body need. Weighing, on average, about three pounds in an adult, the liver is the largest internal organ. Under normal conditions, the liver is located on the right side of the body, under the ribs. In a condition called situs inversus, the liver is located on the left side. What does the liver do? The liver has hundreds of jobs. Some of the most vital are: Cleans toxins (harmful substances) out of the blood. Gets rid of old red blood cells. Makes bile, a fluid that helps the body digest (break down) food. Metabolizes proteins, carbohydrates and fats so your body can use them. Produces substances to help blood clot. What are the parts of the liver? The liver has two main parts: the larger right lobe and the smaller left lobe. The lobes contain many blood vessels. Blood travels through the liver. The liver filte


Boost your health and libido with these 8 pleasing produce picks: Cucumber Cucumbers  are loaded with vitamin C and manganese which both play a role in supporting sexual health, elevating energy and increasing libido. Vitamin C specifically improves blood flow which can help erectile function. Cucumbers are also known for their undeniably erotic shape. Pineapple Bromelain, an enzyme found in  pineapple , triggers testosterone production which can elevate a man’s sex drive. High levels of vitamin C and thiamine in pineapple provide a surge of energy to the body too, thus increasing sexual stamina. Peach Pumped up with vitamin A and vitamin C,  peaches  provide the necessary energy to sustain sexual activity. Vitamin C is also known to increase sperm count. Some find a peach’s suggestive shape pretty sensual too. Eggplant Aside from being a popular innuendo emoji,  eggplants  are loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, and manganese which are all considered essential to sexual health. Vitamin


Ovulation pain is usually harmless, but can sometimes indicate various medical conditions such as endometriosis. See your GP (doctor) if your ovulation pain lasts longer than three days or is associated with other unusual menstrual symptoms, such as heavy bleeding. The following signs could indicate ovulation: Cramping on one side of the body. Rise in basal body temperature. Cervical mucus that's slippery and sticky, like raw egg whites. Increased sex drive. Breast tenderness. Heightened sense of smell or taste. Light spotting. Abdominal bloating. Some people feel pain for a few minutes, while others experience pain for the entire day. You may also experience: Light vaginal bleeding. Vaginal discharge that’s stretchy and clear (like egg whites). Nausea, if the pain is bad. Pain in your low back A heating pad or hot bath may also help provide pain relief. For severe ovulation pain, talk to your healthcare provider about taking birth control pills. Hormonal birth control medications

Pneumonia - causes, symptoms and treatments

What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. The infection is usually caused by bacteria or a virus. The infection causes inflammation (swelling) in your lungs. The air sacs in your lungs can fill up with fluid, making it harder for you to breathe. Pneumonia can be a mild illness, or it can be much more serious. Pneumonia can be life-threatening, especially for: babies 12 months and under Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people people older than 70 years If you are recovering well from a cold or flu that then becomes worse, it may be pneumonia. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are: fever — a temperature of 38℃ or higher cough — which can be dry or may produce thick mucus difficulty breathing or shortness of breath rapid breathing feeling generally tired and unwell loss of appetite When should I see my doctor? If you are having difficulty breathing, go to your nearest Emergency Department or call triple zero (000) for an ambulance. If you suspect that you have


SELF-TREATMENT Brushing teeth and tongue after eating, flossing at least once a day and replacing toothbrushes regularly may improve bad breath. Avoiding foods known to cause bad breath, such as onions and garlic, may also help. SEEKING MEDICAL CARE See a doctor if you Also develop a fever or nasal discharge with pus Get mouth sores that can be seen or felt Still have bad breath after self-treatment Also experience heartburn or chest pain OTHER CAUSES. Diseases, such as some cancers, and conditions such as metabolic disorders, can cause a distinctive breath odour as a result of chemicals they produce. Chronic reflux of stomach acids (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) can be associated with bad breath. Bad breath in young children can be caused by a foreign body, such as a piece of food, lodged in a nostril.