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Medicines That Raise Hormone levels.

Pituitary gland conditions Several conditions can affect your pituitary gland. Most are caused by a tumor in or around the pituitary gland. This can impact the release of hormones. Examples of pituitary gland disorders include: Pituitary tumors.  Pituitary tumors are usually noncancerous. However, they often interfere with the release of hormones. They can also press against other areas of your brain, leading to vision problems or headaches. Hypopituitarism.  This condition causes your pituitary gland to produce  very little  or none of one or more of its hormones. This can affect things like growth or reproductive system function. Acromegaly.  In this condition, your pituitary gland produces  too much  growth hormone. This can lead to excessive growth, especially of your hands and feet. It’s often associated with pituitary tumors. Diabetes insipidus.  This can be caused by a problem with the release of vasopressin. It’s usually due to a head injury, surgery, or a tumor. As a result, p

Body Odour and Diet: What is the relation?

It is important to know which food item can reduce this smell from your body or make it good smell instead of bad one. There are few changes which you can make in your diet in order to reduce bad body odour and promote healthy lifestyle. Here are some necessary changes you can make. Dietary Changes to Combat Bad Body Odour 1. Eat Citrus Fruits instead of bushy vegetables Citrus fruits are always good for our health it contains antioxidants that keep the digestive system health and bad breath away from your body. It also eliminates naturally occurring smells from the body and eliminates problem of bad breath. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, pineapples and berries can help you flush out toxins from your body and can prevent unpleasant smell from occurring. Fruits having citrus acid also contain additional water that is beneficial for our body. Bushy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli sprouts and cauliflower can increase this smell as it releases lot of sweat.  2. Eat white fish


BY ER TEXAS  1. Dairy Products May Harm Lung Health. Experts often advise people with asthma,  COPD , or lung disease to lower their consumption of dairy products. As the body digests milk, cheese, and other dairy products, it produces an opioid peptide called casomorphin. During this process, the body increases phlegm and mucus production, leading to breathing difficulties for people with lung disease. However,  studies  have found that some people don’t experience increased mucus while consuming milk. You should avoid dairy products if lactose intolerant since they can exacerbate asthma symptoms. 2. Foods That Contain Sulfites. Sulfites are commonly used as preservatives and additives in foods like dried fruits, pickled items, and alcohol. They’re also found in shrimp, bottled lime and lemon juice, and maraschino cherries. Most people can consume them without a problem, but if you have asthma, it can  cause an adverse reaction . 3. Foods That Have Salicylates. Salicylates are compoun

NUTRITION: 5 Foods That Fight Bad Breath

Bad Breath (aka Halitosis) Sure, that fried tuna fish sandwich with garlic and onion might have tasted good at lunch, but your post-lunch associates are not enjoying the cornucopia of smells you produce with every word you speak. Fortunately, there are some super foods that can help get rid of bad breath. Five Foods That Get Rid of Bad Breath: 1. Herbs such as Parsley, Mint, Tarragon, and Basil. Usually, parsley is included as a garnish on dishes at many restaurants. There are plenty of other herbs that can work as well. Dr. Christine Gerbstadt a national media spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association recommends using coriander, spearmint, tarragon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cardamom. Basically, you should aim to find any herb with a strong pleasant smell that can mask your really bad breath 2. Green Tea. In a recent study trying to find foods that reduce bad breath, the researchers concluded that “green tea was very effective in reducing oral malodor temporarily because o

VEGGIES: Can waterleaf cure poison?

Health Benefits of Waterleaf Waterleaf is an excellent source of vitamin A, an essential source of healthy eyes, helping to delay the effects of retinal disease, improve vision in dark places, and reduce the risk of cataracts. Water Leaf is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus, both of which are important for healthy bones and provide a great deal of support, especially for women over the age of 60 with osteoporosis. Water leaves are a great source of iron. People with mild symptoms of iron deficiency may benefit from switching to an iron-rich diet such as waterleaf. Water Leaf is an excellent source of Vitamin C, providing approximately 31 mg per 100 g of the plant. Therefore, it is thought that it may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and delay the decline in cognitive function with ageing. Waterleaf is an excellent food for overall health and well-being. Here are some of the many benefits of waterleaf: - Boosts Immunity: Waterleaf is a good source of vit


To prevent heartburn, it's best to avoid lying down for at least two hours after eating. Avoiding fats, chocolate and citrus foods may also help.  Antacid medications may ease symptoms immediately. Other medications such as omeprazole and ranitidine take longer to work, but may provide more effective relief if prescribed by a doctor. SEEKING MEDICAL CARE See a doctor immediately if you: Develop new, persistent chest pain Sweat, feel short of breath or have pain radiating to the back, arm or jaw Experience nausea, dizziness, weakness or confusion Feel a heavy sensation in the mid-chest Have pain that comes and goes, or is worse with activity Make an appointment to see a doctor if you: Feel pain during physical activity Have pain that worsens over time and interferes with daily activity Don't sleep well. Diagnosis Chest pain doesn't always signal a heart attack. But that's what health care providers in the emergency room usually test for first because it's potentially


Avoiding over-processed foods, such as deli meat and canned soups, in favor of nutrient-rich whole foods, may help you manage your blood pressure. Diet can have a big impact on your blood pressure, which is the force of your blood against the walls of your blood vessels. High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects 47 percentTrusted Source of U.S. adults. Hypertension can cause health problems over time, including heart disease and stroke. Salty foods in particular can cause high blood pressure. When you eat salt, your body retains more fluids, raising your blood volume and pressure. Sugary foods and foods high in saturated fats can also increase blood pressure. On the other hand, eating a heart-healthy diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, the American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source advises eating plenty of: fruits vegetables lean protein whole grains At the same time, the AHA recommends limiting foods that can keep you